We are really pleased to have you visit our "aid" page where we outline the two main methods by which we provide assistance for the issues you face:
A) First we send you by e-mail various case histories of the other members
of Kids Need Their Dads .com 30,000 men and fathers have come
through our group since we started quite a few years ago.
We have found that new members gain the best advantage by seeing
what others dads have experienced. Whether those past cases resulted
in a win or a loss, incoming men learn tips on what to do, and what not
to do by seeing the progress of past cases.
On our YouTube channel you get the chance to leave your details in the
"Comments" section, and we encourage you to do that. Each of those
thoughts are read thoroughly, and form the basis for our upcoming
YouTube clips.
B) Second, we welcome you to our video meetings at 9pm (Eastern, or
New York time), usually on Friday evenings.
These events allow us to have direct interaction with some of our
members to hear the details of their cases, and give some helpful
ideas for their ongoing development.
The above 2 categories of benefits are available to our Bronze subscribers.
The monthly fee for Bronze is $30. You can cancel at any time, or stay
with us throughout the months as your issue moves forward.